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Proofreading & Editing



Are your documents being published without adequate proofreading or editing?

Do not consider your documents complete until one of our professionals reviews your content for focus, style, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and word usage—and save yourself from embarrassment.


Setting aside enough time for the editing process will protect your project from being rushed toward the end, leaving you vulnerable to typos and clarity problems. Rushing to print can lead to costly revisions and reprints—especially when your information is highly technical. Let our team of professional proofreaders and editors take the worry out of publishing your content. We can work on-site or from our office to carefully scour your documents for all components of good writing.

      • Focus
      • Usability
      • Structure
      • Style
      • Spelling
      • Punctuation
      • Grammar
      • Word usage
      • Voice

Looking for editors who understand technology? We work with technical documents every day. Our technical editors can review your documents for technical consistency and gaps, and our medical editors understand medical terminology and topics.

If your documents are translated into other languages, we can assist in making your content translation-friendly. Our comprehensive services assure your content will not go to print until it’s “Precisely” right.

Contact us at for a free consultation. Or call us at 1-800-985-7701.

If you prefer, please feel free to fill out the form below and someone will contact you promptly.


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