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FrameMaker® Workshop with DITA Overview

Precisely Write has teamed up with Kay Whatley (Ethier) of Bright Path Solutions to offer a two-day course in Adobe® FrameMaker, including a half-day overview of how the software works with the emerging technical communication content standard, Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA).

While FrameMaker is not a new technology, the idea of building tightly structured documents using Structured FrameMaker to produce valid XML is. The advantage of using these tools is that they allow for greater reuse of information across all types of documentation and media. In an age when documentation and content are starting to be seen as a genuine company asset, reusing that content is a very important concept when it comes to saving time and money.

The course is designed for beginner and intermediate-level FrameMaker students. No knowledge of DITA is required. This is a hands-on class, so each participant is provided a computer workstation with Adobe FrameMaker to use during the workshop.

The course is open to all and is being offered at a special price of $299* per individual for the two-day course. Please contact us if you are interested in this course for your employees or organization.

President of Precisely Write, Ruth Nickolich, has led efforts to initiate greater use of FrameMaker and DITA as a means of creating standardized, structured information that works for all mediums including, print, help files, web site content, and other products. Kay Whatley is one of the founders of Bright Path Solutions. Kay is an Adobe certified expert in FrameMaker (multiple versions) and FrameMaker+SGML. She is also a Quadralay "WebWorks University" Certified Trainer for WebWorks Publisher for FrameMaker.

*There is a minimum enrollment requirement to qualify for this special price. Contact us for details.

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