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Content Management


Need a systematic approach to managing the mountains of content that your organization produces?

Imagine all your content organized into a simple system that stores, retrieves, updates, and reuses information effortlessly, and without duplication. Content management allows for greater reuse of information in your documents and on your Web site. Consistent, reusable information is your safeguard against costly and time-consuming audits, especially if you operate in a regulated industry.

Government and self-regulatory bodies have approved new laws and requirements regarding record retention that may include a large portion of the mish-mash of files you call your document repository. Would you be ready for an audit? There are a lot of things to consider when the need to manage content finally becomes a necessity. We will consult with you on the ways to make content management easier with


    • Single sourcing
    • File version control
    • Document naming conventions
    • Consistent document formatting

Having all your information in one place, along with using consistent naming conventions and version control, will help prevent information silos, that is, stacks of information in various places that no one else knows exists or knows how to access.

Outdated or inaccurate information can damage brand identity and cause unnecessary legal risks. Even before it’s published, information, or content, needs to be authored, shared, revised, and approved. Content management ensures this all gets done in an efficient way so you  don’t waste time and money hunting down and compiling information, or worse–recreating it altogether.


Once you adopt a content management process, we can show you how to maintain it by training your personnel to perform many of the same services we specialize in.


Contact us at for a free consultation. Or call 1-800-985-7701. We will show you how to improve your content processes–and increase your productivity.

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